Cheap telescoping piece of junk that broke upon first
use: R$ 47
Curved machete/zombie killing blade to stick on the end of
the CTPOJ: R$ 26
Sheet from welcome kit that became permanently stained with banana juice: $ undetermined
Chiropracter/massage therapist bills for ruined shoulder, about R$ 125
Acquiring bananas from our very own tree,
about -minus $200 um, PRICELESS!
We used to have banana trees in our yard when I was a kid in Florida. If we couldn't reach the bananas, we chopped the whole tree down with a sharp machete. The darn things grow like grass and there'd be a new tree there the next day (well, almost that fast). Cleaning up broken banana trees after storms was a common chore. You might want to try the recipe on this page with your hard-earned fruit 'loot'. :)
What in the world is banana juice?
That's awesome!
Priceless indeed! Hope you are OK after the wildfires.
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