Monday, October 4, 2010

Swearing and swearing in

Well, all our stuff was finally delivered on Wednesday.  The move went okay.  Lots of broken stuff, which I have to try to figure out how to claim, but we're in the house and navigating the mazes of boxes pretty well.  I am currently sitting in Starbucks, because although I set up Verizon (ihateyouverizon) THREE weeks ago, there is still no internet, phone, or tv.  But there has been plenty of swearing, probably loud enough for the church goers next door to hear.  Yesterday, after three hours of trying, I was finally able to get through to someone to cancel the whole thing.  This morning, I called Cox (ilovecox-haha!) Cable and they will be at the house tomorrow morning to set everything up, so YAY FOR COX (hehe.he.he)!

We took the kids out of school on Friday and went to the State Department (where I scored a broken-meter parking place right in front of the building, 'cause of my awesomeness) for Mitch's 116th Specialist Class swearing in ceremony.  After they x-rayed our body cavities (sort of) we were allowed in to the fancy schmancy Ben Franklin room where it was held.  My kids were suitably impressed by the whole thing and were quite well-behaved.

Seriously, it's a shame you can't see the boots.

 Afterwards, we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for lunch, and to drop some of the kids' college fund.  Henry loved his steak sandwich so much that we've decided to call it Henry's Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.  I will show more pics of the house as things get unpacked, but here is Grace with her playdoh  cookies on their way into the pink oven:


Anonymous said...

I must say Kate, that pink oven it pretty fantastic! In the top pic, is that Mitch hiding in the top row? It was like "Where's Waldo"?!!

Katie Schmid

Kate said...

Yep, he's in the back, left of center. Waldo is easier, though, because all you see is a sea of dark suits.

Anonymous said...

I think I see Mitch's chin.

Jack, on the other hand is unrecognizable. I think he's grown 6 inches since he left the island. Was this place stunting his growth?

Please send boot shot.