Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day Thirty-Two

Yesterday was dumb.  I only had to run in to work to hit 'publish' on the embassy newsletter and then I was done for the day.  I threw on my frayed jeans, flip flops, and a tank top. My office is separate from the main embassy building, and right by the parking lot, so I was confident I wouldn't even be seen.  As soon as I was settled in I got a call at my desk. "Hi Kate, can you come up to the front office to interview the new Ambassador for the newsletter in about an hour?"  I looked down at my classy outfit.  "Of course, I would love to!"  Fortunately, I live 25 minutes from the embassy, so I rushed home and changed, forming questions in my head as I drove.  The new Ambassador was so easy to talk to that the interview itself was a piece of cake.

Last night was the elementary school talent show.  All I'm going to say is that it was 745 hours long.  I brought the girls, because several of their friends were performing and they begged to go.  As soon as we got there, Grace headed off with her posse of girls and boys and they spent the night laughing and moving around the auditorium.  Olivia refused to leave my side all night.  "Don't you want to go hang out with your friends?" I kept asking.

"No, I'm fine right here."

Fifth graders kept coming up to Olivia and asking her to join them, but she refused.  Finally her very good friend came and sat down on the other side of her.  "Olivia, why aren't you hanging out with us?"

And now for your daily sad:

Olivia whispered to her friend, glancing my way to make sure I couldn't hear (I could), "I don't want my mom to be lonely because my dad isn't here with her."


Chelsea said...

You have the sweetest little daughter!

Simonetta said...

That is seriously the sweetest thing ever.

Muugii said...

I'm a new reader and also a foreign service wife. That's so sweet of your daugher.