Tuesday, July 31, 2012

R & R Wrap-up

I know I haven't posted in ages, but I wanted to throw some pictures out there of our last month of R & R. 

We rented a heavily-stenciled-but-largish house on Deer Lake, just outside of Spokane for the month.  Mitch arrived back in the States and joined us for the final three weeks.  After the first day the kids and I were there, Henry came downstairs, all sleepy, and said, "Mom, can you call Dad and have him bring my sheets? I'm pretty sure these ones aren't even cotton."  I don't know where he gets it.  Despite the crappy sheets at the rental house, the kids  had a blast swimming, fishing, playing with cousins and friends, and doing nothing in particular. We had family and close friends visit us, which was lovely. I had intended to meet up with a bunch of old friends, but I just didn't feel like leaving my cocoon.

 Many, many water fights.

 Would you want to leave this? I will say that the lake claimed one fishing pole and three chairs.

 It was a three mile round-trip walk to the little country store from our cabin and the girls walked it nearly every day to get ice cream cones as big as their heads. And yes, I let them go by themselves.  Hell, when I was nine I'm pretty sure I was rafting down the river behind my house and hitchhiking back home by myself.

On the Fourth of July, the kids took part in the local kids' parade.  Unfortunately, every kid was on a decorated bike and our girls were the only walkers. For the price of a cup of coffee, though, I was able to convince a local fireman that he needed two lovely assistants to help throw candy out of the firetruck:


 The geese quickly learned which house to visit for snacks.

My husband thinks I turned into a bit of a redneck on that lake:
I did get a Bic lighter working that I picked up out of the water, but I wouldn't think that would make me a redneck.

 What the?  Um, that's not my recycling.  Hey, at least it wasn't boxed wine. See, I'm still klassy.

We really did have a good time, just being together, hanging with our families and friends, eating, and, um, drinking a tiny bit.  I wasn't sure how I'd feel coming back to Brasilia, and as I was driving home from the airport, I didn't feel at all like I was home. However, five minutes after walking inside our house, I was filled with happiness.  My 500 thread-count sheets! My thirsty towels! My knives! My coffee cup! Best of all, my dog!
The kids are thrilled to be home. Henry's exact words were, "home is where the good sheets are".

And the requisite first day of school photo: